About Me
I have been practising Homeopathic Medicine for over 20 years. I love homeopathy because it is safe, deep-acting and it stimulates your body to heal itself. Our bodies innately want to heal, in fact our symptoms are proof of that fact. Our symptoms are our body’s attempt to bring balance back to the organism. I take into account all of your symptoms in order to understand
how your body is out of balance and what homeopathic remedy will help your body rebalance itself.
Once your body’s energy - vital force, chi, prana - is balanced again your body will no longer have symptoms because it is no longer struggling to find balance.
I have a Bachelor of Health Science degree from the University of Waterloo and a Diploma from the Homeopathic College of Canada as well as an honorary diploma from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. I was a teacher and clinic supervisor for over 10 years and continue to teach as a mentor to practising homeopaths.
I have also travelled to India for post-graduate studies and volunteered and studied in Africa with Homeopathy for Health in Africa, a wonderful charity that I continue to support. I also work in a Free clinic with several of my colleagues to treat those who would not be able to access homeopathy otherwise.
Homeopathy is gentle yet powerful, and works with the body’s natural healing ability rather than against it as many drugs do. I continue to be amazed at what homeopathy can do for my patients.
Education and Certifications
Bachelor of Health Science - University of Waterloo
Diploma - Homeopathic College of Canada
Honorary Diploma - Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine